My Daddy - Paul C. Martel

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Paul Martel Sr. my dad served his country on board a mine sweeper during WWII.

His discharge papers showed he worked as a baker and was interested in interior decorating and radio.

A picture which appears to have been taken on board his ship.

Daddy on the left working in a bakery.
Dad and Mom at Steve's high school graduation.
Daddy when he was young holding a baby.
Daddy with Paul, Darrel, and Steve in front of Uncle Walter and Aunt Belva's house, part of which was a store. Daddy was a subcontractor - a painter-a paper hanger-a sheet rock finisher etc. He was also a good carpenter. I have some of his carpentry ability. Here he is on lunch break with Connie. Daddy was proud of his work, and when he would drive by a house that he worked on he would point it out to us.